I spend a lot of time with computers.
I use the cool programs. I use the coolest interfaces. I don't just use applications, I play applications with the speed that keeps me in the top 10% of RTS players worldwide.
I use a variety of professional applications, and a number of free and open source solutions.
I'm friends with Maya, 3Ds Max, Lightwave 3D, Blender 3D, IronCad, Premier, Finalcut, Movie Edit, Combustion, Fusion, After Effects, Resolve, Paint Shop, Photoshop, Krita, and Reason.
I believe that computers an applications should be used in combination with traditional techniques such as pottery, sketching, and printing work from your computer, so you can play with it in real life before scanning it back in.
Here are free programs I use on my USB drive, and here are more for use on any desktop for mind mapping, code editing, 3D & node based compositing, office tasks, image editing, music writing and keeping my computer virus free.
I don't use linux much, and I'm not opposed to paying for good programs. I use windows 10. I don't whine about it.
I also play Command & Conquer. I even host the official map pack here